Monday 8/18/08 – training


joint mobility; cardio – 20:00; chi kung


1. bench press – barx10, 65×8, 95×5, 115×5, 135×5, 155×5, 125×8, 115×8

2. 1-arm jerk w/32kg – 8+8

3. skull crushers – 5 sets

4. db curls – 5 sets

5. swing w/32kg – 12+12

6. prowler – 4 trips

7. grip work – twist yo’ wrist

60 min. of holosync at bedtime

Fun training session tonight.  I am definitely feeling the effects of getting my calories under control, felt weak on the kb work.  Am trying to do chi kung every morning and 60 min. of holosync meditation at night before bed.  Also trying to do some cardio every morning and twice a week going out to hit the prowler and sled for extra conditioning.  Focusing on the mobility and flexibility as well.  My back and hips are already feeling better.  After the next few weeks I may begin scaling back on the strength/bodybuilding work and just focus on deadlifts, chins, stone lifting and grip work and boost up the kettlebell work and conditioning.  At least training is fun again!

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