Wednesday Training Session…

Wednesday 2/18/09
ME Bench

1. long cycle: 24kg x 5,5,5,6,8 (29 in 5:00 is a new PR)
2. bench press: barx10, 95×5, 115×5, 135×3, 155×2, 185×1, 205×1 (shoulders were pretty spent from long cycle, could have gone up but I didn’t have a spotter last night, trained after the guys left.)
3. pulldown: 4×10
4. dips: 3×10

Alright.. Heading to Pittsburgh and then Vermont Thu – Wed and will not be back to regular training til’ next Wed. Taking my lifeline cables, jungle gym and heavy rope to at least do some GPP work, tons of mobility. Hopefully I don’t lose too much in the way of the kettlebell work, cause’ after I get back to ATL I only have about 5-6 training sessions until the Arnold…..

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