Last Few Training Sessions…

Last Few….

Monday 2/23/09 (Still in Vermont)

Lower Body training at the bed and breakfast

1. squats w/lifeline T’n’T cables: 3×6-15
2. lunge: 2×6 ea.
3a. cable pullover: 3×10
3b. glute/ham bridge: 3×10
4. McGill’s Big 3: 2 sets of each curl up, side bridge, bird dog

Wednesday 2/25/09 (Back in the ATL)
ME Bench

1. long cycle: 20kg x 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,8 (PR 43 in 8:00)
2. close grip bench press: bar x 10, 95×6, 115×5, 135×5, 155×5
3. lat pulldown: 4×10
4. dip: 3×10
*Finished by sharing a 64 oz. growler of Magic Hat #9 straight from the Magic Hat Brewery in VT with the boys. Now THAT’s a post workout drink!

Friday 2/27/09
ME Squat/Deadlift

1. long cycle: 24kg x 4,4,4,4,4,6 (26 in 6:00)
2. pin pull #3 pin: 135×3, 185×3, 225×3, 275×1, 315×1
3a. 45 degree back raise: 4×12
3b. 1-arm row: 3×6, 1×12
4a. pulldown abs: 3×8,10,12
4b. side bend: 3×8,10,12

Done. Going for 8:00 w/24’s on Sunday, then 10:00 w/16’s on Monday, then 5:00-6:00 Tue and Wed w/24’s then that’s it til’ the Arnold. We’ll see what happens….

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