Friday 7/3/09 Training

Day 5 of Valery’s program…

warm-ups: foam roll, stretch, joint mobility, bw squats, jumping rope, 1-arm long cycle w/16, 20, 24

1. long cycle: 24kg x 4,4,4,4,4 (20/5:00)
2. 1-arm jerk: 28kg x 15,15 (30/2:00)
*running: 15:00

This is my first time training 5 days in a row like this, so far it’s been ok.  End of week I’m fatigued but could still get my reps.  Even though I didn’t feel “strong” my technique is better, conditioning is still mediocre at best, but I’m able to get through the runs ok.  Remember people, I’m coming from a powerlifting background, I’m allergic to running and still about 10-20 lbs heavier than I need to be!  Taking tomorrow off then Sunday will by my “test” day.  Will most likely push a long set of 20kg since I am currently working on level 2 ranking.  I need 69 reps in 10:00 w/20kg and so far my best 20kg sets are 53 reps in 10:00 and 56 reps in 8:00.  We’ll see how it goes!  If I hit a nice PR I’ll call it a day and go for a run if I don’t I’ll do my 1-arm jerks w/28kg.  Plan for next week is to try to add 1 RPM to main 24kg set, possibly add a 2nd set of 16kg or 20kg at higher RPM (7-8) and move 1 arm jerks to 32kg.  Running I want to push up to 18 maybe 20 min.  We’ll see!  Good stuff so far and all and all I’m not as exhausted as I thought I’d be after daily training.

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