3-23-11 training

1. long cycle: 24kg x 30/5:00 @ 6rpm; 16kg x 21/3:00 @ 7rpm
2a. close grip bench press: 130×5 / 3
2b. bent row: 155×3, 175×3, 200×3
…3a. ez bar extension: 50×10 / 2, 50×17
3b. pulldown: 120×10 / 2, 120×15

“The blood of your fathers has turned to water in your veins. Not your lot is it to be strong as they were. Having tasted neither life’s sorrows nor it’s joy, like a sickling you look at life through a glass. Your skin will shrivel, your muscles grow weak, tedium will devour your flesh destroying desire. Thought will congeal in your skull and horror will stare at you from the mirror. Overcome yourself, overcome yourself. I tremble, I seethe, I clench, I seize the haul.” -Yuri Vlasov, legendary weightlifter

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