Thursday 4/24/08 – kettlebell training and video shoot

I had to shoot a video piece for a promotional deal I have going with Flora health as part of the Udo’s Oil Study I participated in.  I had to have some lifts video’ed so basically I did a fast abbreviated workout while Thad worked his camera magic.

1. long cycle clean & jerk: w/24kg – 12/3:00

2. 1-arm jerk: w/32kg – 6+6

3. deadlift w/chains: 315×1/2

4. ghr w/45lb plate: 2×5

5. jumping squat: 225×25

This was done with pretty much no rest so I was gassed.  Not the numbers I needed on the long cycle – I need to get my ass in gear.  Video shoot went well – Thad’s awesome.  Looks like my gym will be open on May 12 – Fire Marshal won’t sign off until I get the equipment moved in…  The guy Aaron who did my inspection was very cool about it and it’ll only require me to be shut down for a day and a half.

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