Friday 6/20/08 – Deadlifting

still getting the mobility work, chi kung and holosync in the a.m.



1. long cycle w/16lg – 30/5:00

2. deadlift – 135×5, 185×5, 225×5

3a. 45 degree back – 3×10

3b. seated row -3×10

4a. hanging leg raise – 3×10

4b. 3-way jumping calves – 2×10/10/10

In an effort to continue progressing with my martial arts training sessions, I am cutting my strength work back to 3x week and following more of a Big-3 split.  M-F morning will do joint mobility, chi kung, holosync and maybe some walking on the treadmill.  Evening training sessions will be:

Monday – long cycle goal to PR or hit 10:00; squat or squat variation lift; assistance lift (i.e. fsq, p-chain, gm, etc.); lats; abs; and maybe neck, grip, prowler/sled

Wednesday -long cycle goal – 5:00-8:00 focused on increasing RPMs; bench or bench variation lift; assistance lift (lockout); lats; tris/bis; and maybe neck, grip, prowler/sled

Friday – long cycle goal – 5:00-8:00 focused on increasing RPMs; deadlift or deadlift variation lift; assistance lift (p-chain/lower back); lats; abs; and maybe neck, grip, prowler/sled

Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday (at least 2 of those days) – MA training and 1-arm long cycle for 5:00-20:00 and heavy swings.

Will also pick the stones up occasionally!  This will work much better with my current schedule.  Always evaluating…


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