Archive for May, 2009

Last few training sessions…

Posted in Uncategorized on May 31, 2009 by Scott

Last couple training sessions….

Thursday 5/28/09

running – 20:00

Friday 5/29/09

warm ups: joint mobility, stretching, foam roll, jump rope
1. long cycle: 20kg x 8,8,8 (24/3:00); 12kg x 12,11,10,10 (43/4:00)
2. squat: 165×5, 180×5, 195×5
3a. ghr: 3×8
3b. hanging leg raise: 3×10
*conditioning: jump rope – 15sec on / 15sec rest x 10

Sunday 5/31/09

warm ups: foam roll, stretching, jump rope
1. long cycle: 20kg x 8,8,8,4 (28/3:30); 12kg x 10,10,10,10,10 (50/5:00)
2. bench press: 125×5, 145×5, 165×5
3. seated row: 4×12
4. barbell curl: 3×5-10
*conditioning: prowler sprints x 10

Just training. Good times….

Tuesday and Wednesday Training…

Posted in Uncategorized on May 28, 2009 by Scott

Tuesday 5/26/09

Running x 20:00

Also did some stretching and mobility work.

Wednesday 5/27/09

warm ups: foam roll, stretch, mobility, jumping rope

1. long cycle: 20kg x 8,8,4 (20/2:30); 12kg x 12,12,12,6 (42/3:30)
2. military press: 70×5, 80×5, 85×5
3a. dips: 3×10
3b. pulldown: 3×10
*prowler sprints x 8

Pretty good training today. Started training a QB who played for the UGA Bulldogs and Delta State for his upcoming National Elite Combine in June. He likes the prowler and we’ll see what he thinks about kettlebells tomorrow! Nice kid and a lot of talent.

Monday Training…

Posted in Uncategorized on May 26, 2009 by Scott

Monday 5/25/09

Last week was a de-load week, not much going on. Did a few 5:00 long cycle sets and light strength work. Was in Vegas and caught a couple workouts at the Luxor gym (they actually have a REAL squat rack!)

Starting a new training cycle today gearing up for the June 27 GA State KB Sport Championships, goal is 20kg long cycle x 70 reps (7RPM for 10:00). Focus will be on 20kg long cycle and cutting my training %’s down on the strength work, instead of working between 80-95% I’ll be working between 60-80% so as not to negatively affect the KB work. Conditioning is going to be pushed up as well, and nutrition is begin tightened up this week to improve body composition, wouldn’t mind getting under 198.

BW – 214.2 lbs.

warm ups: stretch, foam roll, mobility, jumping rope, hanging from pull-up bar

1. long cycle: 20kg x 8,8 (16/2:00); 12kg x 10,10,10 (30/3:00)
2. deadlift: 175×5, 190×5, 205×5
3a. reverse hyper: 3×10
3b. grappler abs: 3×6+6
*Conditioning: jumping rope 0:15/rest 0:15 x 10 sets (5:00 total)

Done. Definitely feeling the week off of kettlebell training, will increase volume each session. Best long cycle w/ 20kg is 53 in 10:00.

Last few training sessions…

Posted in Uncategorized on May 19, 2009 by Scott

De-loading this week, will kick it back up when we get back from Vegas next Monday.

Sunday 5/17/09

1. long cycle: 20kg x 6,6,4,4,4,6 (30/6:00)

2. chin-ups: bwx3,2,1/2

*prowler sprints x 8

Monday 5/18/09

1. deadlift: 115×5, 140×5, 170×5

2. long cycle: 16kg x 7,7,7,7,7 (35/5:00)

3. reverse hyper: 3×10

4. shrug: 3×15

5. pulldown abs: 3×15

Done.  Just got a new Ultra Pro Reverse Hyper (it allows you to use both the straps and roller pendulum) this thing is awesome.  Day after my first session with it and my back feels great, not nearly as screwed up.  Will continue with some light workouts this week, and we’re in Vegas from Thu-Mon.  New training cycle starts Monday.

Wednesday training….

Posted in Uncategorized on May 14, 2009 by Scott

Wednesday 5/14/09

1. military press: 80×5, 90×3, 105×8

2. dips: 3×10

3. pulldown: 4×10

4. kb snatch: 16kg x 15, 15, 15 / 15, 15, 15 (45+45/6:00)

5. pushdown: 3×10-15

Done.  That wraps up my 2nd 5/3/1 cycle.  Made good progress already on it.  Definitely an easy to implement program and works well with high rep kettlebell work, due to the fact it’s performed with submaximal weights.  Got a deload week now then start the 3rd cycle – while I’m in Vegas next week!!  Hell yeah!!!

Last few training sessions….

Posted in Uncategorized on May 13, 2009 by Scott

Friday 5/8/09

1. squat: 195×5, 220×3, 250×3

2. jerk: 16kg x 8,8,8,8 (32/4:00)

Finished with some other leg, trap, ab and conditioning exercises.

Sunday 5/10/09

1. bench press: 140×5, 160×3, 180×8

2. snatch: 16kg x 15, 15, 8 / 8, 15, 15 (38+38/5:00)

Finished with db bench press, rows, neck, biceps and grip.

Monday 5/11/09

1. deadlift: 195×5, 225×3, 250×6

2. jerk: 16kg x 6, 6, 6, 6, 13 (37/5:00)

3a. ghr: 3×8-12

3b. shrug: 3×15-20

4a. hanging leg raise: 3×15

4b. rolling thunder: 3 sets, worked up to 115 for 5 second holds

*prowler sprints x 8 stripped weight every other set

Still warming up every session with foam roll, stretching, mobility and jumping rope.  Good times.  Finishing my second 5/3/1 cycle on Wed then have a 1-week deload, then we’re in Vegas (will catch a squat and bench workout at the Luxor – actually have a pretty sweet gym there – then when I get back on Memorial Day will start peaking for my KB meet in June – goal is 20kg long cycle x 70 reps).  Good times…

Last few training sessions…

Posted in Uncategorized on May 7, 2009 by Scott

Saturday 5/2/09

1. bench press: 130×3, 150×3, 170×7

2. db bench press: 2×13

3. seated row: 3×12

Monday 5/4/09

1. deadlift: 180×3, 210×3, 240×10

2. long cycle: 20kg x 7,7,7,7,7 (35/5:00)

3. ghr: 3×10

4. shrugs: 3×10-15

5. grappler abs: 3×8

Wednesday 5/6/09

warm-ups: stretch, foam roll, jump rope

1. military press: 75×3, 85×3, 100×8

2. dips: 3×8

3. chin-ups: 3×4,3,2,1

4. snatch: 16kg x 15,15,15/15,15,15 (45+45/6:00)

5. pulldowns: 3×10-15

6. pushdowns: 3×8-12

7. neck harness: 2×15

Done.  Switching to biathlon kettlebell training for a while, my low back is getting pretty tweaked, I think from the combination of pushing squats and deadlifts with 4 days of long cycle clean & jerks is a little too much right now.  Will do snatches on bench and military press days and jerks on squat and deadlift days.  Pretty confident that biathlon work will carry over to long cycle (at least moreso than long cycle will carry over to biathlon).  In other news finally saw The Wrestler this weekend.  Awesome movie.

Last Few Training Sessions…

Posted in Uncategorized on May 2, 2009 by Scott

Wednesday 4/29/09

warm ups – foam roll, stretching,  jump rope

1. military press: 65×5, 75×5, 85×10

2. paritial dips: 3×10

3. chin-up: bwx4,3,2,1/2

4. pulldown: 1×12, 1×10, 1×8

*prowler sprints x 10

Friday 5/1/09

warm-ups: foam roll, stretch, jump rope

1. squat: 180×3, 205×3, 235×8

2. 1/4 squat to heel raise: 135×20/2

3. ghr sit up: 3×10

Done.  AC is finally fixed in the gym, I know, how “un-hardcore”…